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Comic Talks: Watchmen comics

Okay Guys, let’s talk about Alan Moore’s Watchmen graphic novel and awesome this comic book his. Ups, spoiler alert! It’s an awesome comic book and a must read.

Watchmen world is an alternative world in the 80s, where Nixon is the president of United States of America and heroes are normal humans in masks and the only superhero (guy with powers) is Doctor Manhattan. This means there’s no Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and so on. Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow and other well-known human heroes are also absent from this universe. At the time the comic starts, vigilantism is illegal, unless they’re working for the government, and a character named Edward Blake gets attacked and murdered in his own home by an unknown character.

This comic book wasn’t an easy read, it took me several months to read, and probably i missed a lot of subtitle details. Unlike other superhero comic books, Watchmen has a lot of dialogue between characters, that serves to familiarize the reader with the main characters and their connection, and to

deconstruct and analyses the characters, putting at sight their flaws, nightmares and what events that lead them to be what they are today. The character analyses in this comic book is very interesting. For me the more interesting and complex characters are Rorshach and The Comedian, specially the last one. The comedian has a grim and sad view of the world around him, and instead of fearing it, he embraces its madness and lives it like a joke. Rorshach has a black and white view of the world, there’s no grey areas, justice is justice and wrong doing must be punished, regardless the consequences.

The graphic novel has that noir feeling, a very grim look of the world and the constant and uneasy feeling of depression and lost. Its realism and storytelling is outstanding, making this graphic novel a beautiful piece of art and a must read.

If you have already read this comic please leave your feedback, or if you want to leave your opinion about the Watchmen comics leave it also in the comments. Don’t forget “who watches the watchmen?”.
